CCCUK Corvette Nationals 2024 20th & 21st July Sywell Aerodrome

Mr. Cricket

Committee Member
Afternoon all.

Yes we are returning to Sywell again in 2024 and accommodation for those staying can now be booked. The Aviator hotel have issued the instructions below and it is the only way they will take your reservation so please follow the steps and enter all the information they have requested.

The hotel on site only has 59 bedrooms and demand on Saturday will be high as usual so don’t delay. It will be first come first served. There are additional hotels within easy reach of Sywell.

The room rates are as follows:
Standard Double, regardless of whether single or double occupancy: £106 per night.
Superior Double, regardless of whether single or double occupancy: £116.00 per night.
Standard Twin; can be configured to sleep 4 as a King & 2 Z-beds or 2 singles & 2 Z-beds, £123.00 per night
Superior King/ Twin , regardless of occupancy, £133.00 per night.
Breakfast is £12.95 per person and can be added at the time of booking or purchased in the restaurant on the day.

If members wish to book please ask them to:
  1. Email – with their request we will deal with the bookings in the timed order they are received. (receipt does not guarantee a booking).
  2. The subject heading must contain the wording “Corvette Nationals 2024”
  3. Full name:
  4. Address:
  5. Postcode:
  6. Telephone number:
  7. Confirm email for booking:
  8. Stipulate what type of room they require:
  9. Ask guests to state their Arrival date and Departure Date:
  10. Whether the room is single or double occupancy:
  11. Whether breakfast is to be added for the number of occupants stated in the room
  12. We will at a time convenient to reception contact the person to confirm the booking and take details of a payment (debit or credit card)
We do not have the resources to take the volume of calls that you releasing the dates generates, this is the only way that we can, at the moment, deal with the release of the rooms.

Best regards,

Stuart Curtis
CCCUK North West Regional Representative
Corvette Nationals & Corvettes at the Lakes Planner.
07810 183644


Chairman, CCCUK.

We have added a couple of exciting events to this year's CCCUK Summer Nationals:-

SATURDAY 20th Corvette Nationals Lunchtime Cruise:-
Firstly, there will be a drive out for those attending on Saturday July 20th. We will leave Sywell at about 12:15 and head to the Watermill Tea rooms and Restaurant, which is about 13 miles away from the aerodrome (about 1/2 hour drive each way). The have an extensive lunchtime menu or you can simply enjoy tea and a cake.
So the restaurant can accommodate everyone who will want to come please let me know by email if you plan to join us and I'll contact you for your menu choices in advance (menu is attached). We will stay at the Watermill for about an hour and leave in good time to get back to the hotel for the AGM at 4pm.

SUNDAY 21st Corvette Nationals 'Bring and Buy' Sale:-
For the first time at a Nationals everyone attending will be able to bring Corvette-related items for sale in a supervised marquee (n.b. personal vendors who are club members only, no business sellers). You must pre-register as a vendor by emailing me ASAP and supplying in advance an inventory of the items you intend to offer.
  • All sale items must be labelled with the seller's name, mobile number and price.
  • Buyers will phone vendors and the vendor will be required to promptly attend the sale area if they are phoned by a purchaser.
  • Car parts, memorabilia and anything else Corvette-related can be left here for sale.
  • The number of items that can be left here is subject to available space and items may only be left from 9am on Sunday.
  • Sales will be suspended whilst talks/presentations are being delivered in the Gliptone Marquee.
  • All unsold items must be collected by vendors by 4pm Sunday or they will be disposed of.
  • All items left at the 'bring and buy' tent are left at the owners' risk and CCCUK cannot be responsible for any losses or faulty goods.

So, if you wish to either come on the Saturday Cruise or sell items at the 'Bring & Buy', please contact me by email ( as soon as possible.

We hope you will be joining us at the CCCUK Summer Nationals at Sywell Aerodrome on July 20th and 21st!

curious bystander

CCCUK Member
Pete, I have four wheels to sell. Obviously can't bring them in the back of a C3 so are we allowed to put a "poster" up with suitable photos?