WANTED C8 and Possibly C2 to present a complete line up.


Well-known user
Bet that got your attention,
To attend a show at Croft motor race circuit, Darlington, North/Yorkshire on 09/07/22. Entitled Smiles for Miles, the idea being we could have a complete line up of C1 - C8 Corvettes at the front of the display, i'm informed space is not an issue. This is a charity show to raise funds for an organization called JPC community farm which supports young persons with special needs, and organized by JPC specialist motorsports. Further info can be found here JPC Specialist Motorsports
Looks like a great event at a great location, and could bring much kudos to the club. You can email, PM or comment on this post, thanks for looking.

Keith Edwards. northeastregion@corvetteclub.org.uk Northeast region reps
Gordon Phipps