Carburettor Rebuild Kit


CCCUK Member
Good Day,
I have a 1977 C3 and I need and Carburettor Rebuild Kit for a Quadrajet Carburettor.
Is there a UK supplier? I hope I don't have to get one from the States.
Many Thanks.
Mike Annett


Numerous choices - Rock Auto for a speedy on-line service - if close to West London, Real Steel at Uxbridge - Customville at Dagenham ....... plenty of other places you can try


CCCUK Member
Try Rock Auto (I recently posted the 5% discount code in the members section). I got a service kit and new floats for my 69 Quadrajet and it was cheap as chips. You might want to get a few more consumables such as air/oil filters, spark plugs etc. to justify the shipping and taxes though.