Our 78 Does The Alps - Two


CCCUK Member
After a great evening in Tignes Le Lac, the perfect weather up 'till then took a turn for the worse and we woke to this view from our hotel room on Sunday!
Undeterred, we left Tignes and, on clear, but damp roads, headed through Val d'Isere and on to the Col de L'Iseran, the highest Col in the Alps, at 2770m. A hundred metres or so from the top, we reached the snow line!

A brief and chilly stop, then down the south side....

And eventually into sunshine, on to Bonneval for a tour around the historic village,
Then it was onto more Alpine high roads to the Lac de Mont Cenis, our final stop, for Sunday lunch.
Being so close to Italy, it seemed a shame not to add that to the list of countries our old Corvette has visited, so we and friends (and fellow CCCUK members Andy & Sheila set off on a stupendous route to Cesena Torinese .



CCCUK Member
Scary! You look to be on the French, Swiss, Italian border.
We crossed into Italy from the Col du Mont Cenis, which is north-east of Sestriere and east of Turin, so a little bit further south than Switzerland. If we were closer, we'd have wanted to do that as well, to add to the list! But we did Montreux in the "metal car" a couple of years ago......


CCCUK Member
Col d’Iseran is the highest tarmaced road in Europe I think, they built some more stuff at Tignes de Lac in the last few years.


CCCUK Member
Col d’Iseran is the highest tarmaced road in Europe I think, they built some more stuff at Tignes de Lac in the last few years.
I understand that there a couple of higher paved roads (in Spain) but I'Iseran is the highest pass, ie not a dead end. It sure was cold up there! Never been to Tignes before, so didn't know there was new stuff but, there were a few big cranes working on yet more!


CCCUK Member
I understand that there a couple of higher paved roads (in Spain) but I'Iseran is the highest pass, ie not a dead end. It sure was cold up there! Never been to Tignes before, so didn't know there was new stuff but, there were a few big cranes working on yet more!

That group of high rise buildings has gone up in the last 10 years.