When a young dude pays $200K for Z06 & in a few months carbon fiber wheels are trash


Supporting vendor
Frankly, even listening to this Y-tuber for 8 minutes I would like to bitch slap him :)

Seems the few months he has had this Z06, he keeps going out on track and beats the piss out of it
Several times already taking those $16,000 carbon fiber wheels on and off to end up where they
are nicked up badly and now cracking in places in the process of taking them on and off

Sooner or later, he will blame someone else :-(
If wanting to stay calm, turn the audio off :)



CCCUK Member
He’s got a point, it seems from his vid that GM haven’t got the facilities in place to change tyres on a car they sell.

Same with bikes though, WTF have carbon wheels.


Supporting vendor
This punk whined enough on Y-Tube and GM sent him $16,000 plus new ones for free,
You try that . . .

Ever wondered how to service a set of our carbon fiber wheels?
Hunter Engineering has put together this helpful video to answer all of your questions and show you how to go through the service process, and change tires without causing any damage to the rim.
