1969 at Barons auctions


CCCUK Member
It does look nice, has a NOM, and later/wrong colour seats, but it says originals supplied but will need new covers etc.
Guide is 14-18k but as we all know that means nothing.


CCCUK Member
It’s hard for me to believe that it’s 52 years old, I can remember like it was yesterday when our neighbour who worked for Lendrum and Hartman bought home a brand new one. Dark green, side pipes. Beautiful car.

James Vette

CCCUK Member
I'm bidding on this as it's the exact year and colour I want. I viewed it last September and for some reason it didn't sell or the buyer backed out so I'm viewing it again on Thursday. I hope I win or I will have to resort to importing.


CCCUK Member
Wow, good for you. Just remember if it’s the year and colour you want, go the extra mile for it. Best of luck. What might seem expensive now, will seem reasonable in a few years time. Chrome bumper C3’s are only going one way. Upwards.

James Vette

CCCUK Member
Wow, good for you. Just remember if it’s the year and colour you want, go the extra mile for it. Best of luck. What might seem expensive now, will seem reasonable in a few years time. Chrome bumper C3’s are only going one way. Upwards.
Thanks! I was so gutted last September so I'm not letting it slip through my fingers again. I'm grabbing life by the horns! :cool:(y)


CCCUK Member
I fancy the 1978 Lincoln Continental that Barons have on their books . I could put on about 6 stone in weight and then cruise around like Frank Canon in the detective series :LOL: . Remember all those 1970`s era detective series on TV ? All driving about in whaling great cars that were the size of the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise but wallowed like a dinghy on force 8 . :rolleyes: And don`t forget all the hub caps flying off during the car chases !


CCCUK Member
That was our household in the 60’s upwards. Dad always had a big full size as his personal car, apart from the ones he had for sale. He always preferred GM products, but I do remember a beautiful 1974 Lincoln Continental MK4 that he bought from Simpson’s ( main Ford US dealers) in Wembley. Shame it caught fire destroyed itself and a nice Trans Am next to it. I remember Bill Bixby’s white 73 corvette in the magician. But as you say most US shows used big full size cars. Compared with what we produced in the UK at the time they were monsters in both size and motors. But laden with gadgets.


CCCUK Member
Bill Bixby in the Magician ! Wow there`s a blast from the past . I forgot all about him and his white C3 ! As for big UK cars , I well remember seeing my first Jaguar Mark X parked in a street in Llandudno when on holiday . I was about 10 ish at the time and thought it was the hugest car I had ever seen . o_O


Saying how bloody Hugh it was 😂😂
Like mark 10's - how about this - an Essex car for many years........... twin huffers on a 496 cu in BBC

