Stolen Stingrays

Forrest Gump

CCCUK regional rep
There is an article on the front page of this weeks Classic Car Weekly about car thefts.
It suggests that cancellation of car shows this year has actually led to a decrease of thefts this year. Thieves identify cars at shows, attach a tracker or just follow it home, then steal it later.

It also reports a new trend that battery powered “wildlife“ filming cameras have been found near target properties and on suspects. These are used to help the thieves sus out the habits of the car owners so they know when to carry-out the theft.

Ross is right. Police usually do have a very good idea of who is behind thefts but they’re so crafty it’s impossible to pin anything on them. We had an attempted break in a few years ago. The police arrived within minutes and without even getting out of their car they set-off again on an quick tour of the ”known locals” addresses to see if they could catch any of them on their way back home.


We all need to be observant - seemingly innocuous activities like driving tuition, leaflet deliveries and even people posing as meter readers can all be 'casing' properties looking for patterns of movement, easy access points etc. Just think about how 'invisible' any of the above people are......we recent had a private security canvassing our local area offering local patrols and surveillance. They were dressed in black security gear with company name on high vis vest....looked convincing.....could well have been genuine.....however a subsequent 'look-up' on Goggle only revealed a registered company address at an accountants and company numbers were an 0800 prefix - a security company holding back their own details......not good. Be careful out there lads 'n' lassies


CCCUK regional rep
It`s a bad , bad world out there . There have always been villains in the world but now they have high tech to aid their dirty deeds . I am so glad that my C3 resides in a totally discreet unit that is alarmed and strengthened like Fort Knox due to all the very expensive race cars there . My car is the cheap and cheerful one ! Plus the farmer who owns the site which also has stables for some rather expensive horse flesh lives on site , has dogs , no doubt a shot gun or two and is built like an ox ! I wouldn`t want to get he wrong side of him on a good day never mind a bad day ! :eek:

Forrest Gump

CCCUK regional rep
.........due to all the very expensive race cars there . My car is the cheap and cheerful one !
it doesn’t always work that way.....a freind of mine owns a new executive Merc and a Smart car. Thieves broke into his house, found his keys and guess which car they nicked? .....Yes, the Smart car!
Police reckoned it’s not as easy to move-on the expensive Merc. The real scary thing though was that a kitchen knife belonging to him was later found dicarded in one of his neighbours gardens. (Sorry to relay this depressing tale)

Chuffer, the cars in your lock up sound very interesting. Are they historic F2 race cars? The Spicer is probably several hundred thousand £


CCCUK regional rep
Hi Forrest Gump . Yeah , five historic F2 including a Red Bull , and March`s . Plus a prototype open single seater , so with the Spice and the pair of genuine Escort Mk. 1 racers and a BMW E36 and E 46 Enduro racers there is about £2.3 million worth in total for insurance purposes . A Metro 6R4 engine has just been sold on for £26K alone !!
That`s why the workshop / storage facility is so secure . A couple of years ago there was an attempted break in by trying to remove some of the steel cladding on one of the walls above blockwork level . Fortunately they gave up but there are now additional trembler alarms on all wall panels on top of all the other security measures. I think the would be thieves thought it was just a farm unit containing agricultural equipment as that`s all it looks like from the outside .


CCCUK regional rep
Someone was reminding me a few weeks back, that if you have a car that opens/closes/starts with a remote key fob, good idea to put the fobs in Faraday wallets when not in use.
I purchased some very similar to those and thought i would test them by pressing the open button while the fob was in the pouch, guess what yes they work no signal could get out to open the car, if no signal can get out then thieves should not be able to get the signal with some fancy laptop device.
Good product i say .


CCCUK regional rep
Not surprising they are good , I never did see Faraday open his wallet , but good old Ohm always splashed the cash and got a round in ! 🤣 🤣


CCCUK Member
Not surprising they are good , I never did see Faraday open his wallet , but good old Ohm always splashed the cash and got a round in ! 🤣 🤣
Huh? I was told that Ohm never got the drinks in. His mates kept trying to get him to buy the drinks, but Ohm always resisted.....


CCCUK regional rep
Ohm my! - he never had the capacity or potential to drink heavily and wasn't Farad thinking enough......

My Ohm my ! we are all very sharp witted or have extremely good script writers ! My latest one is on the same wavelength ( sinusoidal of course ) and has the capacitance for `sparks` of pure genius and `generates` a laugh a minute !
I will get my coat now shall I ? :LOL: